Friday, December 31, 2010

Your New Year' s Resolutions AINT SHIT....


......FOR REAL!!! Ain't no taking it back....
they ain't shit!!  If i made some...they wouldn't be shit either!!!

Why?? Cuz I said so.  Ok but for real!! By now you've likely already made your resolutions and that's you boo boo *kevin hart voice*  I wish you the best and all.....*insert kanye joke*

but...what is it about the new year that makes you feel the need to set new goals (let's be honest) that you won't attain.  It seems as though you're setting yourself up for failure.  I see so many people hurriedly starting things in May...even November because they made a resolution in January.  No Ma'am sir.....dont do it to yourself.

And why wait until the ball drops to start something if its sooooo important to you.

For example:  "I'm deleting xyz from facebook/ twitter/ myspace /aim /tumblr /blackplanet /bbm/myphone (someone still uses some of those and YOU KNOW THEM) at Midnight....I didn't need you anyway"

Ummmmm......why wait....delete them now.  You'll probably be drunk at midnight...and wont delete them...or you'll drunk text/tweet/bbm/message/poke whatever them...or you really weren't gonna do it at all...and you you FAILED!!!

Example 2: "I'm gonna lose weight in 2011"
........................................................................................*deep sigh*
this is the most used and abused resolution ever.  The gym stays DEEP in the new year.  Best of luck to all who want to and are trying to lose weight but don't set unrealistic goals for yourself just because its new years...just do you and get it done as you can!!

Example 3: "20XX is gon' be MY YEAR" ...................................*DEEPER SIGH* I'm tired of every year being EVERYBODY'S YEAR!!!  Again....if its gonna be ...its gonna need to profess it.....cuz you'll be at the end of next year talmbout how 20XX sucked and 20XY is REALLY gon' be YOUR YEAR!!!

But for real...why leave til tomorrow what you can do today....and why set yourself up for failure.  Count your blessings for the year past and just hope to grown and prosper the next year in whatever way you can....

but if it makes you feel any better............some of your resolutions are cool.............but most of em still ain't shit!!!

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