Monday, March 7, 2011

Etta and Beyonce

I know this aint got nothing to do with nothing......

however, I find myself constantly listening to "All I Could Do Was Cry" and "I'd Rather Go Blind" and it honestly just depends on how I'm feeling at that exact moment whether I prefer to listen to Etta or Beyonce.

Now....we all know Etta slays Bey (as well as I think Beyonce does on these songs....she kills them in her own right.) When Etta sings these songs...there is an effortlessness thats audible. She just opens her mouth and the beauty pours out. You can feel Bey singing it but you also feel the effort (which isn't bad).

Like today....I really prefer listening to Etta. Just kinda mellow today but still wanna hear the songs. But if i were worked up and emotional I'd have to listen to Bey's....just feel like you can act out and act foolish more with hers. lmao

See if u hear what i mean.



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