Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reasons I Won't Support Your Business

Ok.  So we're friends and you have this amazing business or venture or blog or website or whatever you are now a part of (be it full time or part time).  Since we're friends, I'm going to do whatever I can to support you even if I'm broke I'm so going to recommend your business.

However, there are times when I will not support your business (yes some are petty)*.

1.  You break an unofficial rule of Twitter: #TeamFollowBack (then unfollow)

If you go on a mass campaign on twitter of adding all of your contacts, friends, friends of friends, business partners, etc etc.  Yay!! You are following a million bagillion people and guess what they followed you back.  Then I go on your page and you suddenly only follow like 6 people but your followers are still the same.  Clearly, you didn't suddenly decide that you no longer wanted to follow all these people (including your friends).  You just want a "celebrity like" following to followers ratio!!

2. Shady practices

Maybe not so much shady but just bad.  If I request a service of you and not only do you not provide the service, you make excuses for how you tried.  Then you are shocked that it was never completed.  Man.  If you can't provide the service that you are having people PAY FOR then you really should not be in business.  Also, if you are growing too fast to provide the service to "smaller" clients then you need to weigh your cost/benefit and just cease taking smaller orders until you can handle it.  For example: This company that shall remain nameless.  Wait...yall aint even about to get me going on my friend's company.  I bet all yall nosey asses were like.

3. Your product sucks

There is no way I'm about to sit up here and be charged gourmet prices for your low budget product.  For example, if you make shirts....the WalMart press-ons won't cut it.  If you cater, then working out of your own dishes and using all the food in your fridge for your jobs and it looking like a cookout instead of a nice dinner/lunch/brunch.  And also, don't get made when you charge more than established businesses and are consistently late.  We won't pick you!!! We're gonna choose the other guys.  I mean we wanna support you but I'd rather pay less for more.

4. Spam

I know I support you and all you do and stuff (unless you fall into categories 1-3) but that doesn't mean I'm going to support your baby mama and her new Avon career or your Aunt who sells tea and coffee.  Therefore, why am I getting phone calls and emails from these folk.  "XYZ gave me your information.  We thought you'd be interested in this product."  No ma'am sir!!!  Do not.

And that's that.  If I used to use your services and now don' likely fall into one of the above categories unless you know otherwise.

*Note: If you think I'm talking about your business, I probably am.  Oh just kidding.....but no really I actually am.  Get it Together!!!

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