Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beyonce's "4" album pushed back to SEPTEMBER?

Word is Columbia Records, in response to the leak of Beyonce’s album, wants her to push back her album until September.  Yes……..push all the way back!  Not only that, they want her to record a whole new album.  Apparently, Jay-Z may agree with the push back to September but not with an entirely new album just new selections.

Beyonce, however, is rumored to completely disagree and wants her album out on the 28th just as it is.
I’m sure Grammy consideration is also concerning Bey!
What do you think?  Wait…Keep it?  New songs…same songs?


  1. I can't wait for the album! But if she were to push it back a little bit and add a few more songs I would be ok with it... I love my girl Beyonce!


  2. Look what happens...the beginning of the end!! Maybe, u want to compete against kelly with her music worthy hit! U left matthew (her fathers management), your husband is siding with the label! And the gays arent even really riding the songs that have been leaked! Looks like you may have hit dead wait...beyonce should take the opportunity to get that baby(jay-z really wants that second child)!


Oh I think I LIKE it

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