Who Said That??

Either you dont really care or you already know ............scratch that ...........YOU DO CARE!!! Because you're here!!! Now that we've gotten that out the way!!

Im W. Nicole........but you can call me @FearceDiva >>>>>>> 

Things you should know about me:

In real life........i'm pretty quiet until you get to know me then I can talk all day.

Im very opinionated and at times i misbehave and write ridiculosity (See Real Housewives of Atlanta Blogs...eek)

But I mean...I'm generally a nice, sweet, southern girl with a great sense of humor and a sarcastic flair....

Shall you join me in my commentary on current events in pop culture, the world, my life, and the natural hair scene.


Feel free to contact me with questions, hate mail (hi haters *just for fun*), love mail, words of encouragement or $5 into my paypal.....all is appreciated.

I would give you my facebook but that joint is FORT KNOX!!! 

OH!! And before I go..............FEAR IS NO FACTOR!!! Dont let anything scare you from doing what your heart yearns for and what your soul knows you deserve!!! WHATEVER IT IS!!!!

Oh I think I LIKE it

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