Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Real Talk........i usually can smh at ppl committing dumb crimes and stuff like that...senseless murders happen all the time...and its actually sad how de-sensitized folks have become. However...there are some times when I'm like GTFOHWTBS ...why did you do this.

So this teacher in Mississippi (my neighbor state) was convicted of the murder of her lover's PREGNANT fiance. And the murder was just gruesome yall......and all over some PENIS....

forreal forreal...someone needs to let me know where the D is that good so i can stay the F away!!! no lie!!

Then CNN has the video of the broad hearing the verdict...she busts out crying like she didn't kill this other woman in cold blood. I'm sitting there literally saying "bitch didn't you do it...why you crying like you shocked" Shot and stabbed her....the lady you killed did not have moments to mourn her impending death and lord knows that innocent child she carried didn't. one gives a damn about your tears......NO ONE!! OVER A PENIS!!! A PENIS!! it ain't no sex in the world that worth that. You threw away your life for some man that does not want killed a have to have known you were not gonna get away with what did you plan to get out of it. BASIC BITCH!!!

And in one of the few states where it counts as a double homicide AND you had the nerve to commit burglary is why you're up for death in the first place...DUMB!!

I'M ANNOYED. Here is the info!!

CNN Article

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