Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My FIRST FAMILY is not your CASH COW!!

Ok...really though....why come...YES WHY COME...folks think that they can use images of my first family to make a buck. I absolutely hate it. All the shirts, inauguration videos, even the commemorative plates were one thing......because..well..you don't have to do too much to get on a commemorative plate nowadays. Howsomeever...things began to get out of hand with the Malia and Sasha dolls....happily the WHITE HOUSE shut that ish DOWN!!

But now we get dumb is like Chia Obama..................really......chia mothereffing Obama. Who said ..."now chia obama...that there will sell"
That is ridiculous. Did other presidents have Chia's........?....and if they did were they on the tv every 5 minutes...ch-ch-ch-chia!! hayle no!!

But what got me to writing this here post (clearly I'm homesick with all the country southern speak...you best know it...lmao) is the new Michelle Obama Doll. *kill me now*
Firstly...if it was cute and diva...MAYBE...MAYBE...but this joint looks coonish and odd to me. I DON'T LIKE IT....NOT AT ALL!!! Here are the pictures. You be the judge...but ugh...why she gotta be an action figure...i need commemorative Barbie(tm) or something. Barack got one of these action figures too...ugh

i dont like it!!

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Oh I think I LIKE it

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