Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beyonce's album leaks "4" - my review and the download

So we knew it was going to happen. Well I knew especially since she released 3 tracks herself within weeks.....and then 2 more leaked. That's 5 tracks of a 12 track album out there. She may as well move the album date up.

Anyway, I'm over here jamming alone. Why don't you join me. This post will be updated with my review very soon

Download Here

Review will be here soon!! In the meantime.... I'm over here like..


  1. Her album is awful!
    It is eardrum piercingly, bad.
    Don't waste your money, buy real music from real R&B artists. Support the black community by buying their albums, she should be supporting her sisters, too. She's so against anyone else getting any shine. Bring back soul, bring back R&B by supporting the women of the R&B community, those whose albums keep being overlooked by this pop commercial crap. Let's have a revolution to bring back real music.

  2. her voice is awful, they need to stop adding the digitalization that they add to her voice, it’s like nails on a chalk board, even when she sings out of breath (when she does her slow songs after lip synching to a dance tune), she sounds better than she does on her albums, why is that?

    These songs are uninspired, too, I keep wanting the DC beyonce’ the one that impressed us to come back, but she’s gone, she’s lost the R&B, the soul. Please, come back, stop with the pop music. Anyone whom states she didn’t go the popular route, is smoking the rock, or is totally deaf to what she really does. Her music is crap because she tries to stay relevant by being like everyone else, instead of staying relevant and trying to be different, which, in this day would be to bring the R&B back to the forefront, so other lesser known R&B up and comers will get their chance to shine, because she’d be paving the way again. That would be helping her community out and helping her fellow sisters out, isn’t she about female empowerment? She should be about helping the females in the minority out, show that she truly is proud to be a black woman by helping to bring back real music, R&B.
    Could be she’s really just about the $ and doesn’t want to help her community and fellow sisters out after all, thus the suspicions of attempting to appear more like a white woman, may be true. She’s holding back her own community.
    BTW, most of her fans are mostly of the male persuasion that are not straight, she’s said so herself, and then after that it’s young white girls. Most African American MEN and WOMEN (i’m stressing this to prove a maturity level of music lovers) will state this chic has no real talent. And it’s not from hate, it’s from being a music aficionado, from people whom love all types of music. They will all say she can’t dance, she doesn’t have the best voice, but that she IS a pretty girl that is built well.
    Not to say she doesn’t have AA fans, because she does, I’m just stating they’re mostly young. And yes other artists have sung her praises, because they’re mature and won’t speak bad about another artist, that’s why. They appreciate that she works hard, of course, but if you got them behind closed doors, they’d give other names as being the best. Look at some of the things that have come to light from other artists, overall they all feel she’s manufactured and has not had to struggle, which is what is truly needed to make a great artist. (her waiting so many years to become famous, doesn’t count, she wasn’t even grown when she did become famous, so, no, she had no struggles, she didn’t live on the streets, go hungry, live on food stamps, have a broken home, at the time, so, no, her wishing and wishing is not considered a struggle by any means.)


Oh I think I LIKE it

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